Decryption : It is the process by which we obtain the encrypted message or the ciphertext back to its original form.Ciphertext : It is the formatted text or says it is the scrambled form of the data after being encrypted.The encoded text or message we get after applying some set of encryption algorithms on the given plaintext, is termed as the ciphertext.Encryption : It is the process by which the given message or say plaintext is encoded using the different encryption algorithms to ensure that only authorized users or parties can decode it and access them for their use.In simple words, it is nothing but the original message we are planning to send to the end-user.
Plaintext : It is text that is not formatted specially, or computed.
In this article, we will discuss about one such encryption technique which is one of the earliest and easiest methods, named after Julius Caesar.īefore we discuss the actual algorithm and procedure of this technique we have to get familiar with the few terms which we might need to understand as a prerequisite to get to know the working of the technique.